
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Downloading Documents From Google Drive

Click here for directions on how to download your documents to your new laptop that you saved to Google Drive.

Keller ISD Canvas Online Help Community

Keller ISD has created an online help community to help you find answers to your Canvas questions. 

Please join the community via Canvas by clicking on the link below.

Keller ISD Canvas Online Help Community

Keller ISD has created an online help community to help you find answers to your Canvas questions. 

Please join the community via Canvas by clicking on the link below.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Genius Bar Raffle Winners!

We are excited to announce the two winners of the the $1500.00 technology package. Thanks to everyone that visited the Keller ISD Genius Bar.

Brad Britton from Whitley Road Elementary

Kasey Reynard from Heritage Elementary

The student geniuses were exited to participate in Convocation 2016.