
Monday, July 31, 2017

Strive is Here!

Eduphoria's new module, STRIVE, was launched on Tuesday, June 27th!  When Eduphoria users login, they will see a new icon:

Clicking the  button proves to be a best practice when using the Eduphoria suite, especially at the beginning of each school year.  Click the  button and complete the form provided.  Consider uploading a profile picture to assist administrators in appraising their large faculties.
Although the rollout will happen in phases, learn more about the full functionality of Strive by viewing this video:
Eduphoria's Appraise and Workshop buttons will not disappear until all modules are integrated into STRIVE.

Teachers will see a screen that displays their GOALS, EVALUATIONS, and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.  By utilizing the tabs across the top, users can easily navigate between these three sections


To add a goal, simply click the PLUS SIGN and add the information related to the goal (T-TESS dimensions, action steps, completion dates, etc.).
To add evidence to the goal, click the goal and click the ADD EVIDENCE button:
Evidence can consist of:
  • A text entry
  • A file upload
  • A link
  • An Eduphoria workshop portfolio entry:


Click the EVALUATIONS tab at the top to see evaluations:
Click the preferred evaluation to view messages and evaluation details.  An evaluation can also be printed from this screen.

Professional Development

The PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT tab will display the registered courses, courses available (or course catalog), and portfolio.  Although all features are not currently visible, Eduphoria developers are quickly rolling out these in the coming months.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Chrome Tips

Read on to learn two quick and easy Google Chrome tips that will help you take control of your online experience...

Setting Your HomePage

  1. While in Chrome, click the button found in the top, right corner and select  SETTINGS
  2. In the APPEARANCE section, turn on SHOW HOME BUTTON
  3. Select the second option, then enter the preferred website.

Change the Download Location

  1. While in Chrome, click the  button found in the top, right corner and select SETTINGS
  2. Click ADVANCED towards the bottom
  3. Under the DOWNLOADS section, select one of the following:

Monday, July 10, 2017

International Patio PD is July 11!

International #patiopd Day July 11!

Below ⇓ How to organize & create a great #personalizedPD experience ON YOUR PATIO! And your “patio” can be anywhere.

This is not your usual Professional Development, but it should be. It’s on our patios. :-)
Principles of PatioPD:1. We like learning together
2. We like our families
3. Breaking bread and camaraderie enhance creativity4. Informal, personalized, low-stress professional development is useful, powerful, and energizing.
5. Sharing and learning exactly what we need honors professionals and learners
6. Learning collectively builds community right near us, while connecting us world-wide
Let’s get together on everyone’s patios to make this happen!