
Monday, December 10, 2018

Gmail - Reply at the TOP Chrome Extension

One visual change that came with our migration to Gmail was the reply/compose box at the bottom of the window. This is different and can be frustrating!

We've got a solution for you! Google Chrome extension, Gmail - Reply at the TOP, when added to your Chrome extensions will allow you to keep your reply at the TOP!
Find the extension here.

Not sure how to add an extension? Follow these easy steps:

1. Open Google Chrome.

2. Locate the Gmail - Reply at the TOP extension in the Chrome Web Store here. (If prompted, sign in.) Choose Add to Chrome.

3. Choose Add Extension.

4. Your reply/compose box will now appear at the top when using Gmail. (It may take a bit to update. If not working, try restarting Gmail.)

The Gmail - Reply at the TOP extension will show in your Extensions bar.

Happy Gmail'ing!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Hour of Code is Almost Here! December 3-9

Why Hour of Code?

Students of all ages and abilities benefit from learning about computer science. Learn more about Hour of Code taking place December 3-9 with this short video clip below.

Where Do I Start?


Kodable (49 free levels)
Daisy the Dino
Ligthbot Code Hour
Scratch Jr
Box Island
Swift Playgrounds

Web Activities
The Grinch Hour of Code Game
Seesaw Webinars on Computer Science

Unplugged (No computer necessary)

Red Black Mind Mold Activity
Binary Bracelets Activity

Need Teacher Resources?

Hour of Code Information Sheet
Hour of Code Participation Guide

Sign up with Hour of Code here to be entered into drawings for great classroom prizes!!
Tweet your Hour of Code!
#EDTechKISD and #HourofCode

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Quick Quizzes in Google Forms

Watch the short video to learn the basics on how to create a quiz in Google Forms.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Google Image Search Tips

Watch these helpful tips to help when searching for images from within Google Images (for example a specific color, an image with a transparent background, a royalty free image, etc.)
Created by Keller ISD Genius Team Member, Aaron Snow

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pinning Gmail to the Task Bar

Now that you've migrated to Gmail...let's remove the Outlook icon from the Taskbar and add Gmail.

(Thanks to one of our Genius Team members for the help!)

Unpinning Outlook from the Taskbar

Pinning Gmail to the Taskbar

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Google Calendar Tips 2

Tip 3: Appointment Slots

Adding Appointment Slots to your Calendar

Sending the Appointment Link to Others

Signing up for an Appointment Time Slot

Users MUST have a Google account.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Google Calendar Tips 1

TIP 1: Adding a Resource Calendar

TIP 2: Printing the Calendar

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Where are my Gmail Contacts?

Yes, your contacts from Outlook migrated to Gmail!

Google puts your Contacts in a stand alone application, much like your cell phone. To find them, go to your Google Apps Launcher (waffle) and then Contacts.

Within Contacts, click on Directory to see all of your organization's students and employees.

Create a NEW Contact:
Click the sign in the bottom right-hand corner and add as much or as little  information as you prefer. These contacts will show under Contacts (not Directory).

Create a Group Contact
Email groups are created in Contacts by applying Labels.
1. On the left menu, click + Create Label. Name your group.
2. While in Directory, Contacts, Frequently Contacted or Other Contacts, EITHER:

  • Choose the individuals for your group by putting a check mark next to their name and then selecting. Choose the preferred label.

    • OR search for contacts using the search bar and click to open their profile. Click on More (3 dots) and choose the correct label.

    Email a Group Contact
    To email a group- in the 'To' field, start typing the group name, then select the group from the list that appears. You will see a list of contacts in the 'To' field.

    To Delete a Group Contact
    Hover over the Label Name and select the Remove (trash can) icon.

    To Share a Group Contact
    Click here for directions to share a Group Contact list with others.

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018

    Google Drawings Goodness 4

    Google Drawings is a versatile app that can be used to create instructional activities, flyers, handouts, infographics, cheat sheets, and more! Utilize this fourth set of short tutorials to continue learning.

    Tuesday, August 7, 2018

    Google Drawings Goodness 3

    Google Drawings is a versatile app that can be used to create instructional activities, flyers, handouts, infographics, cheat sheets, and more! Utilize this third set of short tutorials to continue learning.

    Using the Eye Dropper Tool

    Grouping Objects

    Ordering Objects

    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

    Google Drawings Goodness 2

    Google Drawings is a versatile app that can be used to create instructional activities, flyers, handouts, infographics, cheat sheets, and more! Utilize this second set of short tutorials to continue learning.

    Distributing Objects

    Nudging Objects

    Flipping an Object

    Tuesday, July 24, 2018

    Google Drawings Goodness 1

    Google Drawings is a versatile app that can be used to create instructional activities, flyers, handouts, infographics, cheat sheets, and more! Utilize this first set of short tutorials to get started.

    Inserting an Image

    Cropping an Image

    Aligning Objects

    Tuesday, May 22, 2018


    Why Do I Need Toby?

    Have you ever realized that you have over 20 tabs open in your web browser?  If you can relate to this, then Toby is for you!  Toby allows you to organize your tabs into COLLECTIONS.  These collections can easily be accessed over and over again.  This productivity tool can save you TONS of time searching, opening, and closing tabs.

    Getting Started

    Start by watching the introduction video found at  There, you will find a link to the browser extension. Create a TOBY account and add the extension to your browser.

    Getting Organized with Collections

    1. Once logged in, click the PLUS SIGN in the lower, right corner to create a COLLECTION:
    2. Enter a collection name in the top, left corner:
    3. The collection will remain empty until you drag one or more of the open tabs into it:

    Adding Notes

    Collections can also hold NOTES that may serve the user by providing a starting point for their work. To add a note to a collection, click the THREE DOTS to the right of the collection and select ADD NOTE:

    Saving a Session

    To save the entire web browser session, click SAVE SESSION in the top, right corner.  Toby will save the session under a new collection labeled with the date and time.

    Other Useful Tips

    • Add multiple collections to organize your work
    • Open a NEW TAB to explore TOBY and learn more
    • Check out the TOBY FAQ page for additional information