
Monday, April 23, 2018

Sched Tips

Keller ISD teachers will be attending Keller University this summer! In order to create a fantastic schedule full of learning and fun, note the tips when using found in this post.  Happy scheduling!

NOTE: The following directions apply to the desktop version of

Filtering by TYPE and SUBTYPE

Utilize the right side of the screen to filter by type.  To filter, hover the mouse on the desired TYPE and either click the TYPE or pull out to the left and select a SUBTYPE.
NOTE: The subtype is not available on the mobile version of

Search for a Specific Session

To search for a specific session, enter the search criteria in the SEARCH field found in the top, right corner of the screen and click SEARCH

Adding a Session to Your Schedule

To add a session to your schedule, do one of the following:

  1. Click the radio button to add a checkmark to the left of the desired class:
  2. Hover on the desired session, and select ADD TO MY SCHED in the drop-down menu that appears:
NOTE: There are three labels that sched uses:

Limited: Session has capacity
Filling: Session is 75% full
Full.  Session is full
Waitlisted: You have been waitlisted

View Your Schedule

In order to view your schedule, click the  button found on the lower, left corner of your screen. You can remove classes, print and/or email the schedule, and explore mobile options from this screen:

Removing a Session

To remove a session from your schedule, click the checkmark to the left of the session name found in the MY SCHED section (see VIEW YOUR SCHEDULE above on how to access this) or anywhere in the KU schedule of classes where you see a checkmark indicating a registered session.

NOTE: Unregistered classes do NOT have a checkmark; Registered classes are indicated with a checkmark.

Special Messages you May See:

Sched will not allow you to double-book.  Select classes that are consecutive, but not at the same time.  If you attempt to double-book, you may see this message:

 If you register for a session that is FULL, you will be placed on a WAITLIST and receive this message:

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