
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Drawp Does NOT Drop the Ball


Drawp has recently released some free resources for GOOGLE SLIDES users. The resources can benefit teachers from most curricular areas. The free theme categories include: comprehension, flow (including flow charts), maps, story (including graphic organizers), tables, time (displaying various clock slides), and wheels (including a venn diagram and other graphic organizers using circles and ovals).

The possibilities are endless.  Students and teachers can utilize maps to teach Geography and History. The graphic organizers can assist students in organizing their thinking and so much more.

Continue reading to find out how to add this resource to your Google Workspace account and utilize the templates.

Installing the Drawp Add-On

  1. From Google Drive or Google Search, select SLIDES from the APP LAUNCHER:

  2. From the NEW SLIDESHOW, select GET ADD-ONS from the ADD-ONS menu:

  3. Search for "drawp" in the GOOGLE WORKSPACE MARKETPLACE:
  4. Click the ADD button:
  5. Click INSTALL:
  6. Click CONTINUE:
  7. Select the preferred GOOGLE account:
  8. Click  and

Accessing the Drawp Add-On Inside Google Slides

  1. Select ADD-ONS in the menu bar
  3. Be patient while the DRAWP ADD-ON loads:

Using the Drawp Add-On

  1. While in the Drawp Add-On inside GOOGLE SLIDES, select the LANGUAGE from the drop-down:
  2. Select the THEME from the drop-downz:
  3. Click the preferred background template:

    And the template will be added to a NEW SLIDE at the end of the presentation:

Removing the Template 

  1. Right-click on the preferred slide
  3. Click
  4. Click DONE

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