
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Let Your Writers Become Authors with Book Creator

 As teachers, we know that writing is one way students demonstrate an understanding of concepts. What if a student could write about a concept (or even explain, elaborate, defend, reflect, support) and bring that work to creation with visuals, drawings or media that could then be shared with others or even a real-world audience?

Well, that my teacher friend, can happen with Book Creator! And from now through the end of the semester, you have school & district access to allow your students to create books that show their learning and can be shared with other students, family members and more if you choose. 

πŸ“˜ How to Use Book Creator:

Book Creator utilizes student friendly tools.

Use the + button to add media and graphics to your book.

Use the i menu to customize your media.

Use the Play Menu to view, play and share your book.
It's that EASY!

Even cooler, Book Creator allows for real-time collaboration between students and/or teachers.

πŸ“— Use Book Creator PK-12th Grade:

Book Creator isn't just for elementary students. It can be used from PK-12th grade to allow students to create and show their learning.

πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ“ Click the book image below to read more about using Book Creator with upper level students.

    πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦ Working with littles? Start from a template! 

πŸ‘©‍πŸ«πŸ‘¨‍🏫 And what's even better than a template? Start with a REMIXABLE shared from other educators like YOU! See Book Creator Remixables here.

πŸ“™ Share Books:

🌎 Book Creator lets student share their work with a real-world audience by:

  • πŸ”—Publishing Online - Get a unique, secure URL for the book to be viewed on any device.
  • πŸšƒ Sharing the Book- Export as an ePub file and share in multiple ways.
  • πŸ“– Printing the Book- Export as a PDF and print the book if you wish.

πŸ“• Start Using Book Creator TODAY:

☝ Access the web version at, choose TEACHER SIGN IN, sign in with Google, and confirm that you are part of the Keller ISD pilot.

✌ Name your TEACHER LIBRARY and share the LIBRARY CODE with other students and teachers. They’ll be able to create books in the library and read each other’s books.

πŸ‘Œ Students access the web version at, choose STUDENT SIGN IN, sign in with Google, enter a Teacher Library using LIBRARY CODE, and then begin creating BOOKSπŸ“š!

Note: If you are not a teacher in Keller ISD, find information about Book Creator's 40 Books Account (FREE) and more here.

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