Student voice and choice are so important right now. The pandemic and pandemic learning left so many students struggling and behind academically, socially, and emotionally. One struggle is the fear students have to speak up. The fear of having the answer wrong, someone making fun of them, or they feel they have nothing to contribute has created a silence reverberating through our classrooms. Let's not go backwards! We had made so much growth with the explosion of applications and web tools that made instruction engaging and fun for students. Those tools are still out there! Let’s use them to ReEngage our students using the newly branded FLIP (previously known as Flipgrid)
You can sign into FLIP with your SSO with Microsoft, Google, and Apple, or you can sign in with an email address.
Logged in you will see your dashboard with any groups or flips you have previously created. If this is your first time, WELCOME, and your dashboard will be empty.
Start by adding any groups or joining a group! In the top right corner you have the + Group option as well as Camera to just record and your profile circle with more options.
Click on + Group to add a group or join a group. Create a group for your classes or small groups. You can also create groups across classes for a more varied point of view! Use this with teachers in professional development, or have a group wishing a friend Happy Birthday!
You can also click on Camera at the top right of your dashboard to record videos from 15 seconds to 10 minutes for free! There are so many options with the FLIP camera!
The amazing add ons make flip so exciting and engaging. Down the right side you can add text, write, add stickers, add gifs, add frames, change the background and so much more!!! There is also an option to upload a picture if students are camera shy. They can upload a picture and still speak their truth!
Previously known as Flipgrid, Flip has been rebranded by Microsoft and has so many cool updates coming or already here! Visit their site to read about all of the fun things here and on the horizon.
Want to be inspired? Ready to give students a voice and choice but not sure where to start? Flip has amazing resources like their blog, their Educators Tool Kit, and even Flip Events that are hosted by famous and inspiring people!
Ideas for utilizing FLIP in your classroom setting:
Get to Know Yous
Daily Check Ins
Response to Reading
Record Instrument, Vocals, Physical Ed challenges
Demonstrate a skill
Demonstrate Foreign Language
Share and Present Work
Exit Ticket
Aha Moments
Read Aloud practice
Flip Pals (Like pen pals)
And soooooooo much more!!!
Please remember COPPA and FERPA Laws when utilizing Flip in your classroom. Flips Terms of Use states, “Student Members of any age, including Student Members who are Children, may only use the Service at the invitation and under the supervision of a School Lead who has agreed to these Terms and obtained parental consent.” Please be mindful of your district's AUP and guidelines when using web tools in your classroom.
Ready to go? Let's get this party started!
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