
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Storyvoice - LIVE Read-Alouds for K-5th Classrooms

I read about Storyvoice this week and had to share it with my Elementary Peeps! This is a truly resourceful way to bring LIVE read-alouds right to your classroom for πŸ†“!

Storyvoice may be the simplest platform to use that I have ever seen! 

1️⃣. Check the Storyvoice website for upcoming LIVE read-alouds. (Note: LIVE read-alouds are recorded and stored for 24 hours for your convenience. Friday read-alouds are stored through Monday.)

2️⃣. Choose a LIVE read-aloud πŸ“– and mark your calendar πŸ—“ for the date and time. Read-alouds typically last 30 minutes.

3️⃣. Tune in on a laptop πŸ’» or mobile device πŸ“±at the scheduled date and time for the read-aloud and other noted activities! That's it- join one today!

Note: Storyvoice is COPPA compliant.

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